Tuesday, March 27, 2012

White Ranch Park 16x20 oil plein air
Weather was great, the park was great and painting was fun. There had been a controlled burn of the grass area and so it was a bit of a surprise to see. Just west of this spot the ground was scorched. What caught my eye this morning was the purple background. A little touch up to the far middle ground and this painting will be finished.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Mt Galbraith 16x20 oil plein air
I was so worried about the weather and doubly worried about the size. Wasn't sure if I had time to paint this size panel. The weather turned out to be very pleasant with temps in in the 40's I think and cool wind and warm sun. Glad I was standing int he sun. The size of panel was intimidating at first, but when I covered the white with a wash it didn't seem so large. I think I will tone the rest of my panels so they don't scare me so much, lol. I am so ready for Spring colors.

Monday, March 19, 2012

 Karlee is such a good model. Here it was suggested that a theatrical lighting be set up. Lots of fun.
This is where I learned to cut my teeth. Abstractions and design.
Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crown Hill Park 12x16 oil
Painting at Crown Hill Park on a very welcome warm weather day. Plenty of sunshine and warmth. I am ready for some warm weather. The grass is just starting to get green around the edges and the trees are showing signs of waking up. Tulips and crocus are just starting to break through the surface.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spruce Meadow Open Space 11x14 oil 
It could have been a beautiful day. Sun Shine, warm temperatures, interesting location. It was the wind that blew us off the mountain. The wind tried to blow over the pochade about 3 times and so I caved. Packed up, and went home.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

 Frozen Everything 12x16 oil studio
I feel real good about this painting because it is a stress buster. I took a lot of harumph from inside and let it loose on the canvas. Its all good. I can move forward now.
Castlewood Canyon Winter 9x12 oil plein air What a joy it is to paint with lots of artists at Castlewood Canyon. Members of PAAC and the Pastel Society of Colo. showed up and we had a grand time painting in the sun and the snow. Gotta paint fast because the light changes faster than the hand can paint. Lorenzo Chavez painted with us and the positive vibes well shared by all.